Vuosi: 1917
Kesto: 13 mins
Kuvaus: The White Star liner SS Baltic comes into Liverpool dock at 9.30am, carrying the American party. Waiting for its arrival are the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress of Liverpool, Rear-Admiral Stileman (the commander of naval forces at the port), General Sir Pitcairn Campbell, GOC Western Command, and about fifty newsmen. The guard of honour is 3rd Battalion, the Royal Welch Fusiliers, complete with the regimental goat. The greeting party go on board the Baltic, and after a pause the Americans disembark. Pershing inspects the guard of honour. Two of his staff officers appear to be Colonel George Marshall and Major George S Patton. The meeting then breaks up and the guard of honour leaves. More American soldiers disembark. "Look at them - do they mean it ? Why - sure !!!" Pershing's staff and the remainder of the enlisted men come across footbridges into the harbour. The mail is unloaded from the ship. Pershing formally shakes hands with Campbell. Two of the Americans, on a train, look out for their "first glimpse of London". The train arrives at King's Cross Station, where Pershing shakes hands with the driver and fireman.
The arrival of Lieutenant-General John J Pershing with the first contingent of the US Army in Liverpool, 8th June 1917.
Avainsanat: EFG1914 / World War I / Campbell, Pitcairn / Liverpool, Lord Mayor of / Liverpool, Lady Mayoress of / Pershing, John Joseph / Stileman, Harry H / Marshall, George C (?) / Patton, George S / United States Army & American Expeditionary Force / British Army, Welch Fusiliers, Royal, 3rd Battalion / White Star Line & Baltic / ships, British civilian - passenger: Baltic / society, British military - friendship / society, United States military - friendship / society, British - friendship / animals, mammals: goat (mascot) / propaganda, British - inspirational / propaganda, United States - inspirational / buildings, British - commercial: railway station / communications, United States civilian - postal / transport, British civilian - rail / 31/3(41) / GB, England & Liverpool, Lancs
/ GB, England & London, N -
Sisältölähde: Imperial War Museums
Oikeudet: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Väri: Black & White
Sound: Without sound